Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting Star-struck

Saturday, Oct. 22

The night skies here in the high desert are often awe-inspiring.  It has been perfectly clear all week, and with little moonlight the stars are putting on an amazing show.  One need only look overhead for a great view of the Milky Way.  Saturday night, I went to a "star party" at the Red Rock Ranger Station just down the road.  The local astronomy club (AstroVerde) had telescopes set up, aimed at various objects in the sky.  I went from one telescope to the next and these star gazers were happy to share their knowledge and enthusiasm.  Had WOW views of star clusters, several nebulae, Cassiopeia, Andromeda galaxy and the planet Neptune!  My favorites of the night were Jupiter - with 4 moons visible, and the Pleiades (a/k/a Seven Sisters).  Also saw several shooting stars.  Can you say "amazing!"

Not a great pic - taken with my phone in the fading light - 
but shows where the telescopes were set up at the ranger station.

Sunday, October 23

Sunday morning's hike was into Woods Canyon - the main trail can be accessed from an "unofficial" trail behind our house.  It winds across Wild Horse Mesa before turning into the Canyon and following Dry Beaver Creek.  I love the way the trail winds and rolls through this beautiful area.  There were lots of birds around, including flycatchers, bushtits (I can hear you laughing, Peggy!), finches and a Northern Harrier.  Some sort of furry mammal ran across the trail ahead of me, but I did not get a good look.  A marmot?  Lots of animal tracks and scat (deer, elk, javelina) but no other sightings.  :(

A favorite spot along the trail

I can't see Russia from the house, but I can see Bell Rock!

1 comment:

  1. BUSHTITS - LMAO! Oh Kim - what would I do without your nature nerd talk! Glad you're "in the zone" and enjoying all that is natural! Miss you.
