Thursday, October 27, 2011

Getting Freaked

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2001

After yesterday's downpours, today dawned bright and clear.  I headed out to hike the Munds Wagon Trail (remnants of an old cattle-drive road).  I've done this trail before and just love it.  It winds through open areas, crosses several washes, and passes through some lovely forested spots.  I was surprised to see some things still blooming, especially Indian Paintbrush (a long-time favorite). 

On the way up, I met 4 women from Phoenix hiking together.  I just love the camaraderie of women friends!  They had such fun laughing together, and we exchanged emails.  Made me miss my girlfriends...(who had better come out here and hike with me!).

Merry-Go-Round Rock never disappoints.  About 6 miles round trip...worth every step! 

                          View of Merry-Go-Round Rock

View from Merry-Go-Round Rock                        

On the way down, I was happily tromping along when the sunlight on the trail fell upon a...OMG...TARANTULA!  Right smack in the middle of the trail.   It wasn't easy, but I did take some photos.  I'm amazed they are in focus, as I was doing my arachnophobia jig.  I know I have friends who are actually arachnophiles (thanks for nothing, Pam!), but it just seems wrong to me that a spider can be that big!  He was stationary for a while...and then began moving toward me.  OK, time for me to go and I gave him a very wide berth.  Yeesh.  If you are an arachnophobe....DO NOT scroll down!

                            Holy crap!  Get off my trail! 
               (Perhaps we were both having the same thought.)
He's on the move and I'm outta there!                     

After a picnic lunch back at the trail head, I went to Page Springs to chase birds.  The fish hatchery there attracts a wide variety of feathered friends.  Some mowing was being done today, and I think that kept some of them away.  There were lots of ducks and herons near the ponds (including Widgeons - so pretty!).  I didn't stay long, but plan to return early one morning.

As I was leaving, I thought I saw a Bald Eagle fly overhead.  Yes!  He landed on the rocks above the road, and I had a great view for a while.  Two crows came by, obviously unhappy with the eagle's presence.  They circled closer and closer, until the eagle took off.  I enjoyed watching their aerobatics until all three disappeared beyond the ridge.  Would much rather watch soaring birds than creeping spiders!

Spider notwithstanding...another great day in Red Rock country!          

1 comment:

  1. WOWZA, Kim - I love reading your blogs - you really had a fun day - so enjoyed having the photos to accompany the descriptions. But that tarantula - Holy Moly - I think I would have screamed.
