Thursday, October 27, 2011

Getting Meal-y

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I decided to try to put to use some of the thousands of Velvet Mesquite pods littering the yard at the house.  I collected a bunch, washed and dried them, and with the help of a great site I found on Google...

Dried Mesquite pods

Using the coffee bean grinder to make the meal
 (glad I didn't have to grind it using a couple of rocks!)

The finished product

Now, if you can stop laughing long enough to read this...Mesquite is high in fiber and protein, and also a good source of potassium and zinc.  I'm betting the jelly beans I consume do not have all that good stuff.  I'm going to bring home this meal and use it to make some whole wheat pancakes. 

I can hardly wait for next summer, when I can start harvesting Prickly Pear fruit.  Hey, that stuff can be used to make Margaritas!  Ole!

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