Thursday, March 1, 2012

Getting Floored

Well, here I am back in AZ.  I am grateful for a roof over my head and indoor plumbing, but am without furniture, a tv and internet service!  Not sure which of those is worse, but at the moment I'm missing my bed the most.  Our condo has tenants, so I'm staying at the house.  I'm able to connect to the internet over at the condo clubhouse, so I'm not completely cut off from the world.

Not sure which is more stupid - an air mattress that comes with a pump that ONLY works with electricity and needs 12 hours to charge (which I discovered as I was preparing for bed my first night), - or the person who buys such a thing.

I made a pallet with every blanket and sheet I could find and it didn't help much.  It was a long night.  I looked forward to night two with a charged pump and air mattress with actual air.  NOT.  The pump does not work!  The whole thing is brand new, right out of the box...hell of a time to discover a defect.  (I've also dealt with a dead car battery two different mornings - not my week for batteries.)  The next morning, as I lay on the floor wondering if I could actually get upright without emergency assistance, a neuron fired in my tired old brain.  Hair dryer!!!  It does work, a bit.  I spent most of today down in Prescott, running errands and shopping at stores that do not exist up here in Sedona.  And I bought an air pump.  I'm so excited, I might just go to bed right now...

I have been here for 4 days and have not had even one measly hike.  Not one.  Nada.  Too many other things demanding my attention and keeping me from meandering through the red rocks.  That just isn't right!  This weekend is the big hike to Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.  I am concerned about hiking out this time - lack of training, stressed out, bogged down with worry over things I can't control.  I'm hoping that my time in the Canyon will restore my spirit and recharge my enthusiasm.  At least, while concentrating on where I'm walking and on not falling over the edge, perhaps I won't be able to focus on other things?  And well, if that doesn't work and I don't watch where I'm going, then I won't have to worry about the other stuff anyway!

I mentioned to my hiking buddy Mary that I am concerned about her getting back up to the rim long before I do.  Her sister Kathy will also be with us.  Mary's response was that "Kathy is even slower than you."  Wow, I didn't know that was possible!

Here's a photo of almond tree blossoms - a wonderful surprise in our yard.  Had not seen these two trees in bloom before and did not know what they are.  Just gorgeous, and they smell heavenly.  There are also two small nectarine trees in bloom.  If we get actual harvests from these, we can perhaps live on almonds, nectarines, mesquite flour and prickly pear fruit.  (A lot healthier than the Jalapeno Cheetos I had yesterday - all your fault, Amy.)

Delightfully scented almond tree blossoms

While in Prescott today, I visited the Home Depot and Lowes resident Great Horned Owls.  Both stores have a pair who live in their garden departments, high in the rafters.  As these areas are open to the outdoors, the birds can come and go at will and seem to like the shelter - while not minding the shoppers and gawkers.

The Lowes owls have not produced any offspring the last year or two, but look who I saw today at Home Depot!  Supposedly there are 3 young, but I just saw these two with one of the adults.  Aren't they just beautiful?  I don't know when they were born.

Adult and two young Great Horned Owls

The employees seem to really enjoy visiting the owls and talking about them.  Except maybe in this case...while I was in Home Depot, a female employee had to climb a ladder to retrieve a large box that was on a shelf below the owl area.  When she tilted the box toward her, some rather unpleasant owl effects rained down on her head.  Effects being...the chewed back leg of a rabbit and bits of, uh, other stuff.  Who knew such things could befall a person working in Home Depot?

Many of my dear friends have been asking what's happening with the sale of our St. Charles home.  I haven't wanted to say much, not wanting to jinx anything.  We do have a contract and are currently working through the inspection process.  We still have to hold our breath for a bit and hope it all goes through (hence the above-referenced stress).  The reality of moving so far away from all that I've loved for so many years...well, it is starting to sink in and turns out I'm not as tough as I like to think.

So please, my friends, keep your collective fingers crossed for us and bear with me as I am even crabbier than usual.  I hope to make it up to everyone by offering a place to stay and a personal tour guide when you visit Sedona.  I promise you won't have to sleep on an air mattress - even one with air in it.


  1. Those owls are fantastic!! Do the folks in the store feed them -- or it seems I remember you saying the adults can get in and out of the store somehow. Is that right? Amazing.

    1. Yes, T, the owls come/go as they please so the adults go out to hunt at night. They have quite a nice setup (and probably don't need an air mattress).

  2. Good thing you don't have a pacemaker!

    I hope you're sleeping and getting excited about the trip "down down down" (we won't discuss the "up up up" just now) Loved the photos and descriptions of the latest adventures, as always! But I really really need to uncross my fingers soon! :)

    1. Hey P - new air pump worked great so sleeping is a bit better. Mary arrives tomorrow; we spend the nite at the rim and head down on Sunday. Yes, I hope you can uncross your fingers soon! Must be hard to do any sewing that way...
