Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Getting Heated Up

My last blog for this trip, as I head home later today.  Being gone for 3 weeks sometimes feels like forever, and also feels like a blink in time.  Perhaps I'm skipping town at the right time - will be 115 (yes, that's 115 degrees!) in Phoenix today, which means about 100 here in Sedona.  If I were lying by the pool, I wouldn't care one bit. 

It has been busy and wonderful, as always.  Last Friday, I braved the heat and traveled early to the big city.  I was at the Desert Botanical Garden by 8 a.m., and it was already hot.  Despite temps of 97 in the shade, I enjoyed wandering around and seeing the amazing cacti in bloom.  The birds were busily feeding on the fruits of some, and the flowers of others provided a feast for the eyes.  Such amazing plants - all those thorns and stickers and crazy shapes, and some of the most beautiful flowers ever!

Don't know the exact type on this one...

Another unknown, but what amazing color!

    This cactus blooms at night -                              
getting there early a.m. provided the chance to see the flowers
 before they closed up for the day.  Gorgeous!             

Met a charming fellow named Charlie - in his 80's and is a Docent at the garden 3 days per week.  He knew his stuff and loved sharing that knowledge.  I am grateful that he pointed out a beautiful Costa's Hummingbird in a tree along the path.  I would have walked right by and missed my chance.  He was preening (the bird, not Charlie) and when he moved his head you could see the brilliant purple gorget.  Wow!  Charlie later showed me an area under some giant cactus where the Desert Tortoise hides from the heat of the day.  I'll have to return some evening in hopes of seeing one emerge from his burrow.

Charlie also told me that there will be another Dale Chihuly glass exhibit at the garden in 2014.  The previous one a few years ago was absolutely breathtaking.  Something to plan for!
White-winged doves were feasting on cactus fruit

On my way back north from Phoenix, I made a stop at the Old West Cactus Farm in Anthem.  Amazing variety of cacti in every direction!  I will definitely be back when I am ready to plant my very own cacti at the house.  I can imagine that planting cacti might not be the easiest gardening job, but once they are established - that's it!

Row upon row of Golden Barrel Cactus

My last weekend in town was spent hiking, sunning at the pool and generally indulging in sloth and gluttony.  I went out to Boynton Canyon yesterday for an easy hike on the Fay Canyon Trail.  I decided to look for a geocache buried high on the canyon slopes.  Was quite the climb up (lots of loose rocks and stickery things), but I found the cache and also found an amazing spot to sit and enjoy the view and solitude.  Of course, on the way down I realized I had taken the more difficult route up, but that's ok.  It was worth it!  (I can say that because I suffered only minor scratches and one poke from a yucca.)

I will definitely come back to this spot again!

It will be good to get home to my family, friends, and Otis.  I have missed you all.  Thanks for keeping me company along the way.  Look forward to catching up with everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Kim - Does Ken need to worry? Charlie sounds like your soulmate! :) I'm sure he was not as handsome as your husband! After I post this witty comment - I am googling "how to plant a cactus" - it sounds dangerous! Can't wait to see your little tanned face!
