Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Getting Aromatherapy

If you can't stand another blog about wildflowers...stop now.  Ok, you've been warned.

Another fabulous hike at West Fork in Oak Creek Canyon yesterday.  Those of you who have hiked this special place with me know how amazing it is.  Those of you who have not...well, what are you waiting for?

The easy, 6.8 mile (round trip) trail is bordered by towering Coconino Sandstone walls, about 270 million years old.  Wildflowers and ferns line the trail through a mixed deciduous and conifer forest.  The towering Ponderosa pines provide lots of shade.  I'm sure I'm known for sticking my nose into lots of is such a treat to stick one's nose into a crevice on Ponderose pine bark to breathe in the heavenly vanilla scent.  Yes, the cinammon colored pine bark smells like vanilla.  Aaaahhhh.

I counted 16 different wildflower types that I can identify, and many more still to learn.  The trail was lined with Arizona Lupine, Spiderwort (ranging from light pinks to deep indigo), Monkshood, Wild Geranium and Cranesbill; the edges of the creek abounded with Golden Columbine, Yellow and Crimson Monkeyflowers.  Spotted at least 6 types of butterflies, countless dragon- and damselflies.  Not too many birds around other than the usual suspects - robins, black phoebes, ravens, a few hummers, and the always bold Steller's jays.

Arizona Lupine

Mountain Gromwell (a new one for me)


Crimson Monkeyflower - growing sideways
from a rock wall

After 15 creek crossings, the official trail ends in the creek.  I brought my water shoes and continued on for another 1/2 mile or so (I think it actually goes another 6 miles).  I love this part, as the canyon walls close in, the only sounds are water and breeze.  Few people wade thru, so it is easy to leave behind all semblance of civilization. I was up the creek without a paddle - but had my trusty Teva water shoes!

           Wading upstream


Flame Skimmer Dragonfly      

I hope I someday have the chance to share this gorgeous place with many of my dear friends.  But be warned, I'll make you stick your nose in that pine bark.  :)
Happy Trails!

1 comment:

  1. Okay - this is on my list of "for sures" when I come for a visit. It sounds so nice - love the walking in water part! Photos were great as always. Enjoy your time left before it's back to boring IL!
