Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Getting Up and Down

With my next big adventure - hiking back to Phantom Ranch in early March - fast approaching, I've been trying to do some challenging trails here.  Hot Loop was a great hike the other day.  Glorious views of Woods Canyon and the Village of Oak Creek; running into my pal Kristi on her beautiful horse L; meeting a lady who moved here from Carol Stream. 

Two days ago - on the Bear Mountain Trail in Boynton Canyon...This is one of the more challenging trails I have done here.  A long climb with an elevation increase of 1000 feet, very steep and rocky in places.  Hauling myself up over some big rocks, around tight turns, stopping often to take in the view (and yes, catch my breath). 

Yes, this is the trail...

And so is this...

Going up, this trail is a quad-burning lung-buster; coming down is just, well, scary.  I pick my way very slowly over the rocks and around the turns.  But this view from the top is the payoff!

Gotta love that blue sky!

And speaking of blue...there was a small flock of Mountain Bluebirds.  Having breakfast of Juniper berries and showing off their beautiful hues.  A life-list bird for me - yay!

Male Mountain Bluebird in Juniper tree

After two challenging hikes in two days, I opted yesterday for the easy but beautiful Little Horse Trail to Chicken Point.  Started out early enough that I heard a few coyote yips as I headed toward the cliffs.  I think she was greeting the day with me.  I stopped at Chicken Point to enjoy the views and the solitude - one of the few times I've been there that no Jeep tours showed up...and then I realized the tile guy was headed to the house!  It was a fast 2 miler back to the car...but captured this view of the red rocks in the early morning light...

Cathedral Rock

And the update from the money pit...

Prep work for tile floors done yesterday; tile install may start later today.  Measuring done for screens for French doors - I want to be able to leave these doors open.  They lead from master bedroom to back deck but I don't want any uninvited guests (this means you, snakes and tarantulas!!!).

Working in the yard and right now it is like spitting in the ocean.  No sign of progress.  But I did see on-line that burn permits are issued and I will check into that today.  I have no other way to dispose of all this mess...and wish I had some KCCN'ers here to do a prescribed burn with me!

My shiny new power washer is assembled and ready to go.  I will try it out today and hopefully, get the chicken coop cleaned well enough that I won't need a Hazmat suit to enter.

Happy Trails!


  1. Quad burning lung buster - can't say I've had any walks do that for me - I need to go on a hike with you! I'm looking forward to seeing some inside photos soon - but as always - the outside ones are inspiring! Enjoy the day - can't wait to hear about the power washer experience!

  2. P - you do indeed need to go hiking with me! It was an exciting day getting the power washer up and running and blasting chicken dirt! That part was disgusting, but the power washer and I are unstoppable!
