Saturday, January 28, 2012

Getting Thawed

I know, I know - so far our Midwest winter hasn't been bad.  I did miss out on the most recent storm and the chance to snowshoe with my pals.  But hiking in shirtsleeves?  Working in the yard in January?  Feeling the warm AZ sun on my face...what's not to like?

Haven't felt much like blogging.  Overwhelmed with chores/errands/decisions about the "money pit" and finding myself scattered.  Getting lots done, but also managing to do my usual stupid things.  Enjoyed a fabulous afternoon at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix on Tuesday.  That is, I enjoyed it until I accidentally deleted ALL of the photos I'd taken.  Later in Scottsdale, I was heading across a parking lot to the crosswalk when I walked smack into a low tree limb.  I hit the top of my head so hard that it knocked me on my ass.  One would think the second stupid act would have precipitated the first, but nooo.  I manage to do stupid things even without a head injury.

I have had some good hikes and lots of fun bird sightings!  The feeders at the house are attracting a great variety of birds - some of which I've never seen at feeders in the past.  The ones I've detected so far (you non-birdnerds can skip this part):  Northern Flicker (red shafted), Juniper titmouse, juncos (I believe they are the Oregon variety, which has a rusty patch on its back), house finches, Canyon Towhees, jays, Bushtits mobbing the suet feeder, Curve Billed and Crissal Thrashers (the latter of which sits in the platform feeder), Anna's and  Black-Chinned Hummingbirds, White Crowned Sparrows, Ravens, male and female Yellow-Rumped Warblers at the suet!  I bought a bag of mealworms yesterday - will be interesting to see who shows up for those.  There are Western Bluebirds all around, and I'm hoping a few of them might take advantage of free worms.

         Western Bluebird along the Huckaby Trail

Northern Flicker at my birdbath

 Another long drive down to Prescott yesterday for a variety of errands.  I was hell-bent on getting a pressure washer so that I can finally de-funk the chicken coop.  The problem was transporting it to the house.  Bought one at Lowes and had them remove it from the box.  Managed to fit it into the Z (amazing what you can get into that little car when you are as stubborn as I).

The challenge now will be to complete the assembly and figure out how to use the thing.

My reward for all those errands was a few hours spent walking the trails near Willow and Watson Lakes in Prescott.  I'm glad I found this spot and hope to go back when I have a whole day to spend.  It was a hot-spot for a birdnerd, as well as peaceful and scenic.  The Granite Dells are such an unusual sight, and there is lots more to explore.  Waterfowl were all over the lakes and side streams (N. Pintail, Coots, Canvasbacks, Green Winged Teal; as many as 7 Cormorants perched at once in a snag in Willow Lake; a couple of Great Blue Herons posing on the rocks; a N. Harrier fly-by; and a cute Black Phoebe on a nearby fence.  And those are just the ones my limited skills could view and identify.  And just to be sure I don't miss the Midwest too much - a few Canada Geese!  Had my lunch perched on a big rock near the water, and below is the view...

It is just getting to be daylight here now (a bit after 7 a.m.), and I'll be heading out for a hike after the mountain lions have had a chance to finish breakfast.  Will try the Hot Loop Trail again - last time I headed there, I missed a turn and got lost.  So...if this is the last you hear of me you'll know why.  LOL!


  1. Great photos and info! Always love to read your blog. Hang in there, lady - soon you will see the fruits of your labor! Miss ya - P

  2. Glad I ran across your blog. We need to learn more about hiking birding etc. there, as our son & his family moved to Queens Creek in August from Colorado. We visited over the Christmas holiday....

    1. Thanks, troutbirder. Sedona is fabulous and there are miles of gorgeous hikes, great birds and lots of trees and wilflowers. Hope you get to spend some time here!
