Monday, September 5, 2011

Getting Marooned in Meridian

Despite the rainy weather, Kelly and I had a very nice time at TJ's wedding Sunday night (my nephew).  The venue was a beautiful country club in Hattiesburg, MS.  It was small and intimate, with many lovely details.  Bride and groom were beaming.

Andrea & TJ

Kelly & Mary

Back to Jackson this morning to deliver Kelly to the airport.  Still raining.  And raining.  And windy.   We saw a lot of water along Hwy 49, as well as several homes and business that had been flooded.   I was certain that Kelly's flight would not leave on time, if at all.  Shows how much I know.  I hated sending her off to that plane as I watched the rain come down in sheets and the trees bend in the wind.  She did arrive home safely...wishing I were there.

Along Hwy 49,
N of Hattiesburg

I have been driving in rain since Saturday.  Today has been the worst by far.  Heading east toward Meridian, MS, I encountered high winds and blinding rain.  At times, I felt sure the Jeep would hydroplane.  After white-knuckling it to Meridian, I stopped for a break and to check the forecasts.  Birmingham, AL and Atlanta, GA - areas through which I was supposed to drive today, are getting slammed.  There have been tornadoes sighted near Atlanta as the rain continues to pour. 

As much as I hated to do it, I am now hiding out at the Quality Inn at Meridian.  I could not drive one more mile in that downpour.  The rain just keeps coming.  If heading north would have gotten me out of it quickly, I would have high-tailed it for IL.  But here I sit.  I will stay put until the morning, at which time I'll decide how to proceed.  It will be terribly disappointing to have to scrap the rest of my plans, but that is preferable to being on the road in this dangerous weather.

I guess my road-trip weather Karma has taken a turn for the worse...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kim - I am so sorry to read about the horrible driving conditions - but the photos of the wedding were fun! Can't wait to hear details. I've got my fingers crossed that the weather shapes up and you can continue on your latest adventure - when you're in IL - there are never any blog entries - and then, where am I supposed to get my entertainment?!
