Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting the Nerds Together

It has been one year since I relocated to Sedona.  Stressful, exciting, unsettling, fun, hard, lonely.  But here I am among the red rocks.

Way back in 2007, I enrolled in the first ever Kane County Certified Naturalist program.  I wanted to learn more about the flora and fauna around home, as well as get involved in some volunteer activies related to nature.  It is no exaggeration to say that it changed my life.  Yes, I learned a great deal about plants, birds, animals, geology and more (scat!).  But beyond that, I became friends with an amazing and diverse group of women and found a sense of belonging that I truly needed.

They are, without exception, the most beautiful and fun group of friends I have ever been privileged to have.  We started calling ourselves the "Nature Nerds," and then Pam came up with "Nerd Herd."  We also had the "Luney Ladies" (credit Valerie) because we tried to get together each month to howl at the full moon.  We have educators, a physician, a nurse, writers, gardeners, corporate professionals, and uh, me.  We are interesting and interested, funny and serious, talented and creative.  And 6 of them recently came to Sedona for 5 days of hiking, laughing, eating, sightseeing, birdwatching, plant gazing, and shopping.  Did I mention hiking, eating and laughing?  I think we came to the conclusion that after a certain amount of fresh air intake, we become completely slap-happy and unable to control hilarity.  About everything.  And nothing.

The days passed much too quickly (isn't that true of most vacations?) but we packed in as much as possible.  We had a great time in the little town of Jerome, and enjoyed a delicious lunch at Quince.  Tracy drove us up and down the mountain with great skill - I have to say that because she will most likely read this.  Her attacks on the Sedona round-abouts came later.  It is amazing what a minivan can do when piloted by certain people.  There were times when we were in "grave peril."

           Tiny restaurant, fabulous food

Hard to see, but the sign above us shows
 a woman's stockinged leg and reads "House of Joy"

It was time to get out on a trail and commune with the red rocks.  We hiked a newer trail that has become a favorite of mine, the Mescal Mountain trail in Sedona's amazing Boynton Canyon.  This trail winds around the base of the mountain, offering endless views and a hike that hugs the mountain side.  Intrepid Nerd Kim H was amazing, just a couple of months post-knee replacement.  We are still trying to identify some of the wildflowers that were in bloom, we enjoyed the lizards that were soaking up the warm sun, heard the songs of various birds and marveled at the blue AZ sky.

The Nerd Herd pauses at one of the many
 spectacular spots along the way

This Collard Lizard posed for us, showing off his striking colors

Time for "Survivor - Sedona!"  The new "must" for all visitors - rock hanging.  A spot along the Mescal Trail provided the perfect opportunity for everyone to try their skill at hanging off a mountainside.  At great personal risk (and more grave peril?) each one of us bravely completed the task unscathed.

              The Nerds watch in amazement as Kim G
                         demonstrates the technique

Just hang on!

        Alison defies gravity
Carol overcomes her fear

Kim H and her new      
 knee are fearless    

Tracy got the hang of it right away
Sarah makes it look easy

Suzi hangs onto her hat    

After the hike, we headed farther into Boynton Canyon down a 4.5 mile dirt road. Really, only 4.5 miles? Why did it seem like 10? Oh right...Tracy was driving. Over the rocks and around the bends, dodging oncoming vehicles and tour Jeeps...we arrived at Honanki. These Sinaguan ruins and rock art date from 1100 ad.

Suzi's favorite, Kokopelli

Undaunted by our Mescal Mountain adventures, later in the week we headed to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.  After much oohing and aahing and shoppping, we headed for lunch at Shoshone Point.  Saw some elk along the way, and enjoyed the jaw-dropping views from this special place.

  Hugging the wall along the Bright Angel Trail

Friday was our day to cram in as much as possible - a wonderful morning hike on the Baldwin Trail and along Oak Creek; a drive up to West Fork in Oak Creek Canyon for a picnic lunch, birdwatching, creek inspection and wallowing in nature.  Shopping at the Navajo booths in the canyon, shopping in Uptown, dinner.  We really covered some ground that day, and it kept me from thinking too much about the impending departure...

Saturday morning again dawned clear and bright, and the Nerds were up early to pack.  Before I knew it, the white minivan arrived to take them all back to Phoenix and on home to IL.  Through my tears as they headed out, I knew in my heart how blessed I am to know these women.  To laugh and cry with them, to call them my friends.  Thank you - I love you all.

To all the Nerds who were unable to make this trip - please know that you were missed (and talked about often), and that you are welcome to visit any time!



  1. Great post - I want to join the herd! Sounds like you were once again, the hostess with the mostest! Loved all the photos.

  2. What a great time! Wish I could have been part of it. You gave them the royal tour. Love the photos!
