Sunday, March 27, 2011

Getting Sick of the Cold

It's been quite a while since my last post - and why?  Because I haven't had any adventures!!!  It has been a long, cold winter that has become a cold spring.  We've had a few wonderful days to tease us, but our temps of late have been only in the 30's.  I'm sure I have lots of company in feeling that we are OVER it and want/need sun and warmth.  I have lost all motivation to get out and walk in the cold.

The 5-week pity party continues, as I can't seem to shake this "bug" that got its grip on me.  This all started in mid-FEB!  I know I always say this, but now I seriously need a dose of warm Arizona sun.  Heading there in early April and hope I can bake the germs away.

It has been fun to see the birds at the feeders.  The less-desirables are out in force (red-winged blackbirds, starlings and grackles), but the juncos are still here.  The usual visitors - cardinals, bluejays, chickadees, nuthatches, house finches and sparrows.  Always enjoy the woodpeckers - hairy, downy, red-bellied.  The male goldfinches are beginning their amazing transformation from dull to dashing - that bright yellow is a welcome sight!  Have had flyovers of large flocks of noisy sandhill cranes, and did get out to Nelson Lake to spot a few pelicans on a rare, warm spring day.

                                                                                 Milkweed fluff clings to a pod at Dick Young Forest Preserve

The raccoons have been tearing up the yard with a vengeance.  Perhaps this is their payback for the fact that we've been taking in the suet feeders at night.  The varmints run off with them if we leave the feeders out overnight.  A small one has yet to be found.  What we save in suet, we pay for in large clumps of displaced grass and dirt.

The crocuses bravely appeared, but have been shivering of late.  The tulips and daffodils are up several inches, and the grass does seem a bit greener.    Lots of work waiting to be done out there...

Here's hoping for sunshine and warmer days - SOON!

1 comment:

  1. Sunshine and warmth will be nice and it will probably come as soon as you leave for Arizona! Ha ha! Love your bird comments, but keep the woodpeckers on your side of the river...they like to destroy my house!! :)
