Friday, January 21, 2011

Getting Busted

Busted up, that is.  The last few days have been hard, literally, on my butt!  I slipped and fell in the yard of the new house - guess a loose rock just jumped up and tripped me.  Ouch.  Despite fabulous t-shirt weather here in town, winter is still very much in evidence in Oak Creek Canyon.  While attempting to hike up at West Fork there yesterday, I fell twice.  The trail was snow covered but seemed crunchy enough for traction.  NOT.  About 2 minutes in, bam, on the ground.  Ouch again.  After the very precarious first creek crossing, I spotted a cute snowman built along the creek.  On my way for a better look and a photo, bam, down I went again.  Both of these falls were on level ground!  This fall was by far the worst.  What does it  mean when you land on your ass so hard that you get a headache?

Upon reaching the 2nd creek crossing, I realized my trail had ended for the day.  The rocks were covered with ice, and one skinny, snow-covered log was not going to serve as a bridge.  I did wander around a while to take some photos (none of which turned out very well), and I reluctantly headed back to the car.

We've been having a great time at the new house - planning and getting ideas for redecorating.  Yesterday, I pulled up all of the tragically teal carpeting in the living room.  Wow, even the bare padding is an improvement!  Our first project will be to update the kitchen - new appliances, countertops and paint.  A bit overwhelming with so many decisions to make, but it will all come together eventually.

OK, I am so over getting chickens!  I started cleaning the chicken coop and wondered why that ever sounded like a good idea.  Heck, I don't even like eggs.  With a lot more cleaning and sanitizing, I plan to convert the coop into a potting shed.  I'm excited about working on the yard and getting some great native plantings in, and it will be fun to have my own little work-shed.  There were many birds around - Juniper Titmice, Canyon Towhee, Western Bluebirds...and this bird nerd can hardly wait to get the feeders set up and the binoculars ready.

The house is officially ours - Ken took his first nap there today, in an old hammock left by the previous owner.  Proof that it is meant to be!

I'm sorry for everyone stuck in the IL deep-freeze this week.  Below zero temps, wind chills even worse - any wonder why we can't wait to move to Sedona?   And we hope we'll have many visitors!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kim - what a good post! I felt like I was right there falling with you! Your poor bum! I have to admit, I never fully embraced the "Kim - Chicken Farmer" concept - I think a potting shed will be MUCH better! RIP teal carpet! Peggy in snowy, cold IL
