Sunday, July 8, 2012

Getting Tougher

OK, this isn't exactly nature-related, but it is kind of an adventure.  As I work on things inside and outside of the AZ house, I often get frustrated because I don't know how to do a certain project.  Where to start?  What tools do I need?  If I figure out what tools I need, will I know how to use them?

I have realized what a disservice it is to us women, and to our daughters (and theirs), that most of us are not taught even the basics of tool use, simple repairs, how to measure/paint/fix even the simplest of things.  In my case, I often don't even know what questions to ask.  Google has helped, but one still has to have a vague idea of where to start.

We need to teach our daughters and granddaughters how to do things for themselves!  Do we really want to call someone to charge us a small fortune to fix something we should be able to easily do for ourselves?  Do we always want to be dependent on someone (a man) to do these things?  Ever since I asked a "certain man" for help with something a few years ago, and was given directions on where to find the Yellow Pages, I swore I would become more self-sufficient.

In the last few months, I have stepped outside of my comfort zones and by determination and necessity (and pure stubbornness), have figured out how to:

Prep and paint a rain barrel (which I scored free at Home Depot), install the diverter kit and hook it up to the downspout;

Purchase and assemble and use a push mower;

Purchase, figure out how to fit it into my little car, and assemble and use a power washer;

Assemble a 2-drawer lateral file cabinet;

Patch a dry-wall hole;

Remove carpet and padding;

Remove rotting wood decking;

Repeatedly clean a disgusting chicken coop - ok that one was better left to either experts (are there such people?) or left to rot.  I can't burn it down due to our current fire restrictions, but it will eventually be dismantled and disposed of.

The above is not bragging, just examples of what a determined woman can do.  I've also had to remove various live insects from the house, using a cute ladybug jar provided by my friend Tracy.  OK, the tarantula in the condo is enough to disprove this whole theory, but there are just some things I can't yet do.  And probably won't, ever.  The snakeskin I found in the yard was the worst of the bunch so far - I cringed every time I saw it and tried to avoid that entire area.  I figured where there's a snakeskin, there must be...However, I just had to clear the weeds from that spot and decided if I just got rid of the darn thing I wouldn't have to worry about it every time.  So, it got scooped up and bagged with the dead weeds and now it is gone.  But I know its owner is most likely still there somewhere...

As you most likely know, I have also faced down a mountain lion.  Well, not really, but I did see one from a distance for about 4 seconds. 

I'd like to know what you have fixed or what project you have taken on that challenged your skills (or lack thereof).  Send me your stories so I can do a follow-up.  I implore parents to teach their daughters (and yes, sons) how to do some of this stuff.  They'll most likely roll their eyes and sigh, but they'll thank you for it someday.  Kind of like most of the stuff we teach them anyway.  I mean, men are only good for one thing.  And how important is parallel parking, anyway?

Happy to report, I'm good at that, too.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Getting into Summer

Here it is, July already.  June went by in a blur, even though at times the days seemed to drag.  I remember as a kid, being bored on hot, steamy LA days.  We were always sent outside to play (no video games to play in the a/c back then).  Whining about nothing to do, no one with whom to play.  And then bam, it was late August and back to school.  NOOO!  Even though I know that summer will last much longer here than back in IL, I don't want to wish it away.  I love the cool mornings and evenings, the star-filled skies.  The hot middle of the days is great for reading, and I've really caught up on some page time.

A few weeks ago, I was lucky to spend several days with Ken at the fabulous Pelican Hill Resort on the Newport Coast of CA.  An incredible place of gorgeous surroundings, perfect weather, delicious food and impeccable service.  The trip was an Acura reward for Ken for achieving their Precision Team "Dealership of Distinction" status.  And don't ask for further explanation, because I cannot provide one.

Kelly came out to Sedona a couple of days before I headed to CA, and she and Otis hung out at our condo.  Well, Otis hung out at the condo while Kelly spent her days at the pool.  She was here for a couple of days after my return, and it was so good to spend some time with my beautiful daughter. 

We took a ride up to Walnut Canyon National Monument (near Flagstaff) to see some 800 year old Sinaguan cave dwellings.  Picturesque location, with hundreds of ruins nestled in the cliff walls.  A trail takes you down (about 180 steps, I think) for up-close encounters with the long-ago homes of these Native people.  Those same stairs take you back UP, by the way...

          Looks like the Sinaguan people were about
                        the same height as Kelly

Every step down is a step back up

After our visit to Walnut Canyon, we enjoyed a fun lunch at a cute Mexican place in old town, Flagstaff.  Yum!

After leaving Kelly at the Phoenix airport on Saturday (will that ever get any easier?), I took in an excellent exhibit at the Heard Museum in Phoenix - about Geronimo and the Chiricahua Apache people.  Heading back to Sedona, I encountered some traffic congestion just south of my exit.  An 18-wheeler was on its side off the road - scary.  Look at what temp registered on my car - I guess with all that concrete and vehicles running, it cranked up!

But it's a dry heat...
We are starting to get some clouds early in the mornings and then again late afternoons, and hoping that we will get some rain from them soon.  I know it's been a crazy summer in the Midwest, with everyone reporting hot, humid temps.  I'm still hearing about that terrible storm from the weekend and many still without power (including dear Shirley).  I hope everyone else came through safely and without major inconvenience.

I am hoping to have my first rain barrel hooked up tomorrow.  I scored two free ones from Home Depot a while back and one has the knobs and dials and doo-hickeys attached.  I sprayed it tan to cover the heinous original blue (but hey, it was free), and now I need to cut the hole in the downspout and hook it up.  It will be very exciting to have this done before any significant rainfall.  The other barrel will most likely be set up with the "trap" in the top to collect random rain - we only have one downspout.  I know, weird.

The birds and critters continue to entertain me.  I haven't seen any large mammals lately, but bunnies abound.
The excitement for today was the appearance of a male Rufous hummingbird.  I spent way too much time trying for a decent photograph, but this manic little guy is more interested in chasing all the other hummers away than in eating.  I have 4 hummer feeders out - you'd think they could share???  (If a Calliope makes an appearance soon, I will be one ecstatic bird nerd!)

Not the best pic, but I'll keep trying

The Gambel's Quail are about the funniest birds I've ever seen.  A little family has been coming through the yard regularly.  I have a pan of water on the ground for the quail, doves, bunnies...and have to wonder who might be there at night!  Here's the quail family sharing a drink:

There were 7 young'uns but now only 6...
another not-so-great shot, but you can see their
 little doo-dads on their heads

And here's one of my bunny friends
 - a tiny guy I call Peanut.
He was busy nibbling on this low branch
of a  scraggly mesquite

I guess that's the wildlife report for this time.  I am still homesick and missing everyone.  I now have a brand new queen sofa sleeper in the guest room, and in a few weeks should have new couches/chairs for the living room.  I do have indoor plumbing, and chilled Sangria in the fridge.  So come on out!

I'll end this time with these two pics of Mother Nature at her best...

