Friday, December 17, 2010

Getting Shrew-d

Not a great photo, but this is a little Northern Short-Tailed Shrew.  He was very busy under our bird feeders on Thursday morning.  Was in an eating frenzy for a few seconds, and would dive back under the snow.  He would pop up from another spot, resume eating, repeat.  Reminded me of that "whack-a-mole" game, but my critter-expert friend Pam informed me that moles don't pop up/down that way...This little guy was kind of cute, about 4" long with a long nose and big pink feet.  First one I've ever seen, and I'll be watching for him as winter goes on.

1 comment:

  1. I'm commenting on my own post...I decided this guy should be called "Scooby." Haven't seen him for a while - did the hawk get a meal? Scooby Shrew, where are you???
