Thursday, December 30, 2010

Getting Creative

First Annual Pod Party!
                                                              The entries

Never underestimate the creativity (or competitive nature) of a group of nature nerds!  When the "pod contest" idea first came up, talk was of day-glo paint and glitter.  I thought I was being clever by using pipe cleaners...I never could have imagined the amazing works of art that would be the result! 

Thanks to all of you who joined in the fun - pod-ders, delicious treat and wine bringers, all so generous!  It was an evening of good fun and good food, shared among beautiful friends.  Marcia and Tracy, we missed you both and were very sorry you were unable to join us.  But, there is always next year!  (See below.)

Here is the official declaration, by popular vote, Pod Queen Kim H Congratulations, Kim!  You certainly earned it with your amazingly decorated basket.  Kim proudly wore her Pod Tiara, and realized that with royalty comes responsibility - it is her turn to host the party next year, and to come up with the contest idea.

The winning creation!


The voting was tied for  Pod Princess, so we made one designate as Pod Princess and one as Pod Duchess.  Newly honored Pod Princess is Lorayne, who earned her honor with her amazing bird creation.   (Sorry the photo does not show its beauty...)  Incredible detail and use of many natural touches made Lorayne's bird a sight to behold (is a pod in the hand worth two in the bush?). 

Congratulations, Princess Lorayne!

Our new Pod Duchess is none other than Alison, whose graceful Pod Shrine was also very popular - despite the fact that some of us (duh!) did not immediately pick up on its graceful representation.  Beautiful!

Duchess Alison's Pod Shrine

As for the non-royal entries, they included Marcia's lovely pod ornaments:  two smaller single pods, and a very pretty pod angel.  Even though she was too sick to attend the event, Marcia's pods were delivered by her lovely daughter Kylee.  A true competitor!

Marcia's pretty pod ornaments

Using the aforementioned pipe cleaners and other silliness, Kim G. created a collection of "critter-pods."  Most were plays on words, but the bird pod is, for now, nameless.  If anyone has a suggestion, please advise.

Clockwise from upper left:  Octopod, 7 Pods-a-Swimming, Arachnopod, Centipod, part of the un-named bird pod, Tripod, Eyepod, Pea Pod.

The Queen & her court:

commoner Kim G, commoner Carol, Queen Kim H,
Duchess Alison, commoner Sarah, Princess Lorayne

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Getting Hungry

Lots of activity at our feeders, as birds (and the shrew) fill their bellies with winter sustenance.  This beautiful Cooper's Hawk has been stalking near our feeders, especially since the shrew showed up.  She (I think it's a female, due to her  large size) has been quite close to the house at times.   Look at those talons!  Run, shrew, run for your life!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Getting Shrew-d

Not a great photo, but this is a little Northern Short-Tailed Shrew.  He was very busy under our bird feeders on Thursday morning.  Was in an eating frenzy for a few seconds, and would dive back under the snow.  He would pop up from another spot, resume eating, repeat.  Reminded me of that "whack-a-mole" game, but my critter-expert friend Pam informed me that moles don't pop up/down that way...This little guy was kind of cute, about 4" long with a long nose and big pink feet.  First one I've ever seen, and I'll be watching for him as winter goes on.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Getting Those Seeds Mixed

The Masked (and one unknown, unmasked) Marvels in the seed mixing barn:  ?, David, Sarah, Alison & Kim.  On
Dec. 3,  the Forest Preserve seed team mixed seeds collected during the season.  The seeds have been processed and are combined for future use in area preserves.  They are sorted and combined according to types of seed and environment (woodland, wetland, prairie, etc).  We all enjoy this event at the end of harvest season - it smells great and is good to see what's been collected.  There is often a lot of dust/pollen, hence the stylish masks.

Afterwards, we celebrated with a potluck that is always delicious and bountiful.  It was a great chance to chat and laugh with fellow team members, pick on Pete, and initiate our new volunteer coordinator, Robb, into the abuse.  He realized he was better off sitting alone on the couch!  Welcome to the group, Robb!

A sampling of the lunch menu

A sampling of the dessert menu!

Burning the milkweed fluff
Feasting!  Sarah, Kim, Ben, Pete, Amy & Alison
It was great to see everyone and enjoy another fun gathering.  By the way, the 1st Annual Milkweed Pod Craft Competition is ON. 

Happy Holidays, Everyone!